21st JAN 6-8PM 

18th February 5:30-7:30PM

18th March 5:30-7:30PM

15th April 5:30-7:30PM

NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH is a space for discussion around video art, youtube videos, animation, tiktoks, documentaries - any kind of image that moves. 

You can bring your own artworks to chat about, or anything you’ve been inspired by recently that you want to discuss if you don’t make moving image work. 

It’s open to any quality of video and any kind of artist, or just anyone interested in engaging with moving-image works in a warm, communal space. 

Share up to 10 minutes of work, or simply come to watch and offer feedback—no application needed! Bring clips, excerpts, sketches, unfinished pieces, or fully realised works, and let us know what kind of feedback you’d like. After each showing, there’s time for responses and discussion, though you’re also welcome to show something without commenting. This is a space for all types of feedback, from casual chats to critical engagement—whatever suits you.

A digital projector, computer, and speakers will be available. You can bring a USB on the day, but it’s preferred to share films in advance via a pre-existing link (e.g., YouTube or Vimeo). 

Please email links to with the subject “Neighbourhood Watch.”
Can’t make it? No worries! NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH is a regular monthly event at EMBASSY, every third Tuesday!

big credit to @libertyhodes and @aarondawsonriley @newbridgeproject
EMBASSY Gallery est.2003